Money Making Application - How to Make Internet Faster In 5 Easy Ways | Kelas Adsense

Money Making Application – How to Make Internet Faster In 5 Easy Ways

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You need to know how to make the internet faster. This is because lost or slow connections can seriously disrupt your daily routines, such as interrupting zoom meetings, or video streams taking longer due to buffering.

However, you don’t need to be frustrated because there are various ways to solve the problem. Here are 5 ways you can speed up your internet connection:

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1. Get Closer to Your Router

An easy and effective way to speed up your internet connection is to move the device closer to your router. This is because the farther your device is from the router, the slower your internet speed will be.

2. Clear Your Browser’s Cache and Your Browsing History

Too much-cached data can cause websites to not load, load very slowly, or partially load. Therefore, it is important to clear your browser cache and get rid of any files that may be interfering with it.

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3. Upgrade Your Router

As you know that routers are available in a variety of functions and prices. If you have a large or multi-floor house, you can use a router that can be paired with a repeater. Its function is to broadcast the signal to the farthest reaches of your space.

4. Restart Your Router or Modem

How to make the internet faster is to restart your modem or router. You can turn off the power of the modem, or unplug it. It’s an easy, fast, and safe way to increase your internet speed.

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5. Update Your Router’s Firmware

Your ISP may update your unit’s firmware automatically if you have a router combo unit. If you have your own separate router, you can check for updates.

You need to update your router’s firmware to optimize code, fill security gaps, and get rid of pesky bugs. To do so, you can open your router’s web interface, and look for the Update button.

Those are 5 ways you can do on how to make the Internet faster. All of these methods are safe for you to do, or you can try these methods one by one according to the problem.